Our journal is a wide interdisciplinary publication which seeks to spur further debate and discussion on important concepts and current affairs in and around the field of Chinese Studies.
Disciplines like geography, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, history, and others, will have a forum where they can contribute their points of view to the field of Chinese Studies, from both a local and international perspective.
We wish to welcome you to this challenging project, as well as thank you in advance for your support and interest in our publication.
Nº 1 – 2010
01: New Meanings of Masculinities within Chinese Migration: A Reflection of Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Chinese Society
Autor: Xiaodong Lin (Department of Sociology. University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
02: An Exploratory Case Study of High-Profile Female Entrepreneurs in the Chinese Economic Reform
Autor: Wenxian Zhang; Ilan Alon (The China Center at Rollins College, United States)
03: Down South: from China to Australia. A Brief Overview of the Life in the Antipodes
Autor: Catalina Ribas Segura (Department of English and German. University of Barcelona, Spain)
04: The PRC’s Cultural Diplomacy towards Latin America in the 1950s and 1960s
Autor: Maria Montt Strabucchi (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile)
05: Chu Village under Democratization: Guanxi, Governance, and Inequality in a Post-Socialist Chinese Village
Autor: Haijing Dai (School of Social Work. University of Michigan, United States)
06: Jade Discs from the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England
Autor: James C. S. Lin (Fitzwilliam Museum, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. Cambridge University, England)
07: Family Changes in Contemporary China: a Review of Parenting and Fatherhood
Autor: Qiong Xu (Institute of Education, University of London, United Kingdom)
08: The Evolving Role of India and China in Global Trade and Finance
Autor: Surendar Singh (Department of International Business. CT Institute of Advanced Management Studies, India), Ramesh Chander Mishra (Departmente of Commerce. Kumaon University, India)
09: Mao a Feminist?
Autor: Gregory Freitag (Central Michigan University, United States)
10: The Competition between Making Chinese Citizen by State and Ethnic Identity of Korean-Chinese. Focusing on the Case Study of Korean-Chinese School in Da Lian
Autor: Jeong Eun Lee (College of Social Sciences. Seoul National University, South Koreas)
11: The Logic behind the Scene: An Investigation of the “Xincun Incident”
Autor: Licheng Qian (School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Nanjing University, China)
Nº2 – 2011
01: A study on the changing urban competitiveness in Hong Kong, 1990-2008
Autor: Sai Kuen Lo, Jianfa Shen, J. (Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
02: The Other Half of the Sky: perceptions of Chinese women
Autor: Anna Busquets, Muriel Gómez (East Asian Studies Programme. Open University of Catalonia, Spain)
03: What kind of Chinese population settlements are found in mega cities like Kolkata and Manila?
Autor: Catherine Gueguen (Associate researcher/ENeC, University of Paris, France)
04: The Chinese Diaspora and the Sino-Brazilian Community in São Paulo, Brazil
Autor: Daniel Veras (Hubei University, China)
05: A Tentative Bilingual Education Program for Yunnanese Chinese Kindergarten Level at Ban Mai Neong Bua School, Chiang Mai Province: Its Pros and Cons
Autor: Siripen Ungsitipoonporn (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University, Thailand)
06:Time and occasion (The “occasion”: a temporary matrix analogous of the traditional Chinese thought and the western philosophy pre-Christian.)
Autor: Vicente Huici (UNED-Bergara/Seminario Confucio Mintegia, Spain)
07: A Study On the Spatial Filtration and Governance of Chinese Megapolitan Housing Real Estate
Autor: Shangguang Yang, Yiran Cao (Business School, East China University of Science and Technology, China)
08: China and Russia Integration of Regional Economy Partnership as a Co-Development Factor: Regional Approach
Autor: Natalia Andreevna Abramova, Victor Alekseevich Abramov (Zabailkasky State University, Russia)
09: Face: The Dilemma of Lian and Mianzi in People Management
Autor: Zhang, J. (Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Bristol, UK)
10: The Image of China in Spanish and International Textbooks of English as a Foreign Language for Youngsters
Autor: Rui M, Ruiz, J. (Colegio Guadalimar; University of Granada, Spain)
11: Open Borders Towns Development as an Implementing Instrument of Chinese “Go Global” Strategy (By the Example of Cooperation in China’s Northeast and Russia’s Southeast Transborder Region)
Autor: Tatiana Nikolaevna Kuchinskaya (Zabaikalsky State University, Russia)
12: Original Brand Manufacturing (OBM) of Garment Industry in Developing Countries: a Case Study of Shanghai’s Garment Industry
Autor: Tao Song (East China Normal University, Shanghai, China)
Nº3 – 2012
01: The Changing nature of Economic Governance on Foreign Direct Investment in china: Some Local Evidence
Autor: Chin-I, Wang (Global Institute of Management and Economics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China)
02: Women in Management: a Comparative Study between Experiences in Brazil and China
Autor: Erika Zoeller Veras (Wuhan University of Technology, China)
03: Diasporas and migration flows in Chinese experimental art
Autor: Laia Manonelles (University of Barcelona, Spain)
04: The influence of the Year of the Dragon on fertility of Chinese Malaysians: Cointegration and Variance Decomposition Analysis
Autor: Thirunaukarasu Subramaniam, Evelyn S. Devadason, Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Nanthakumar Loganathan (University of Malaya, Malaysia)
05: The Roles of Persianate Cultures and the Westward Explorations of Zhang Qian in the Opening and Expanding of the Silk Road
Autor: Hamidreza Pasha Zanous (University of Tehran, Iran)
06: The History and Context of Chinese-Western intercultural marriage in Modern China (from 1840 to 1949): An Early Saga of Cross-cultural Intimate Relationship
Autor: Bo Qin, Huan Xiong (The School of Asian Studies, National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland)
Nº4 – 2013
01: Shanghai City Development Transition and Social Governance Challenges
Autor: Shangguang Yang(East China University of Science and Technology, China), Chunlan Wang(Shanghai Population and Development Research Center, China)
02: Coupling, Recoupling or Decoupling: China in the Global Economy
Autor: Yue Lin (UAM, Spain)
03: A Comparative Study on the Advantages of Ethnic Groups-Based on the Overseas Chinese Businessmen and the Foreign Businessmen in the Small Commodity Market of Yiwu
Autor: Xiaoying Chen (Zhejiang Normal University, China)
04: Corporeal Representation and Divergent Scopic Regimes: The Introduction of Western Anatomical Medecine into China
Autor: Carols Hugo Sierra (University of Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain)
05: Confusion and struggle of the female skilled immigrants. Case study in Bilbao, Spain
Autor: Xiao Fang(Centro de Estudios Chinos Lu Xun, Spain), Eduardo Rubio Ardanaz (University of Basque Country, Spain)
06: Differences in the Colloquial and Literary Pronunciations of the Bangkok Hakka
Autor: Siripen Ungsitipoonporn(Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University, Thailand)